Remington RM380

In a handgun niche only slightly less crowded than striker-fired compacts, the Remington RM380 is Big Green’s entry into the very packed pocket .380ACP market.  The RM380 goes head-to-head with market leaders such as the Ruger LCP and Smith & Wesson Bodyguard.  The pistol has been on the market since 2015 but has not garnered much of the market and seldom makes the cut for top lists when someone writes about pocket pistols. 

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A Philosophy on the Bedside Gun

This article has been requested several times and it is ‘A’ philosophy on the bedside gun.  It doesn’t claim to be ‘The’ philosophy. What is correct and logical for one person in their circumstances may not be correct for you.  Please use this as a guide to think through your own circumstances before you send the hate mail! 

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Springfield Armory XD-S 3.3″ .45acp


If you have been shooting or hunting for any length of time, you have likely heard several big names of the industry, including Springfield Armory. SA has a long and storied history in the firearms industry, including use in both the military and civilian markets. One of SA’s newer and most well-known product lines is the XD pistol line. The focus of this particular article is the Springfield Armory XD-S 3.3” .45acp.

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FMK – 9C1 G2 9mm Pistol


This past winter and spring I did a lot of traveling and testing of equipment and firearms. One of the more recent pistols I have tested is the FMK 9C1 G2. It is a compact 9mm pistol platform manufactured in California. FMK also manufactures the 40C1 G2, which is chambered in .40S&W. However, the focus of this article is the 9C1 G2.

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Fourth of July Special


The Fourth of July. A day every American should take a few moments out of the celebrating and fireworks to stop and appreciate that almost 250 years ago, the Continental Congress, along with a group of rugged, fearless men and women, spread across 13 small colonies, adopted the Declaration of Independence, officially and legally severing ties with a global empire. This is a short, historical article about the Declaration of Independence and its signers to celebrate this great American holiday.

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G96 Products Inc. Part 3 – Bluing Agents


This is the third and last in a three part article series about G96 Products Inc. If you have not read the first two articles, I encourage you to read them: here and here.

In the previous articles, I wrote about all of the gun oils, cleaners, and greases that G96 Products makes. In this final article I will be talking about the various bluing agents that are produced by G96.

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October 2024